
Why is split system filtration technology important?

Air Conditioning FAQs

Many of us are presently concerned with the most effective ways of stopping the transmission of dust, pollen and even germs, particularly with the colder weather settling in. If you are thinking of having a split system air conditioner installed, one thing to ask when covering options with your installer is: Does this system have an adequate filtration system?

How does a filtration system help?

Basically if a harmful substance is airborne, the filtration system should be able to capture it as it does with allergens such as pollen. Certain filter systems can remove substances like fine house dust. They can also minimise the damp in the air, halting the growth of mould, which may make vulnerable people unwell and spark allergic reactions. A reliable filter means that the air you’re breathing in has been removed of nasty substances and should be much cleaner than the air outside.

Different brands employ different filtration innovations. Mitsubishi Electric, for example, uses Catechin. This chemical comes from a natural source; the bioflavonoid is found in green tea. Mitsubishi Electric uses this in their air conditioning filters to both improve air quality in the space where the split system is installed. Catechin is also useful as it offers excellent deodorising characteristics.

Panasonic use Nano technology in their ECONAVI Reverse Cycle systems to enhance indoor air quality. The ‘nanoe-G’ particle is utilised to eliminate microorganisms. According to Panasonic they remove 99% of airborne bacteria and mould. These include those on surfaces and in the filter, resulting in a cleaner and healthier home.

Daikin’s split system air conditioners and Air Purifiers are the only units that carry the blue butterfly symbol, meaning they have received approval by the National Asthma Council Australia’s Sensitive Choice® program. Daikin’s split systems use a Titanium Air-Purifying filter. Like the other brands, these filters trap most airborne particles.

Finding a filtered split system right for your home

When investigating a new split system (or even learning more about the one you already have), check that the unit specifically offers an air-purifying filter.

As the filters work they collect particles and will build up a layer of dirt, making the filtration less effective and letting more harmful particles through. Until a self-cleaning filter is developed this generally means that the filters will need to be replaced or washed periodically. When enquiring about a split system check which process might suit you better in terms of cost and convenience. You may not be confident enough to change a filter yourself at first and will thereby need to factor in the cost of a technician.

As with any choice, when investing in an appliance to make your home a safer and more comfortable space, there’s a lot to consider. There are, of course, stand alone air purifying systems but these do not have the added ability to warm and cool your home while removing nasty bugs from the air.

Installing a split system with filtration capacities will allow users to enjoy a comfortable space and avoid germs spreading within the home.


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