
Alpine Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Review

Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning is a Wollongong-based air conditioning installation company that has been operating for the last 33 years since 1985. Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning installs and repairs air conditioning systems in the greater Wollongong region. They were ranked by our Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Review team amongst the top 5 air conditioning installation Wollongong businesses, coming in at 2nd place when compared to their top 5 competitors in the local industry.

The only air conditioning business amongst the region’s top 5 recommended air conditioning installation companies to offer financing options to its customers.


As our Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Review team found, the air conditioning installation Wollongong-based company’s products are at the higher range of cost effectiveness when compared to its competitors in the top 5 companies in the industry. They also noted that they offer a good range of products across different price points and provide customers with a thorough explanation of these options.

Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning are open to price matching for like for like products, as our Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Review team found, advising that they generally review price matching at the lower to mid-range for Carrier products and in the upper range in regards to their Hitachi and Toshiba brands. They are also potentially open to providing volume discounts when customers purchase multiple air conditioning units. Customers can ask the staff more about this upon enquiry.

Alpine Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Review price graph


The above graph, from our Wollongong comparison table depicts Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning’s ranking as compared to its competitors in the top 5 recommended air conditioning installation Wollongong businesses. Our Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Review team rated them with a 3 out of 5 for overall cost effectiveness, ranking them in our top 5 recommended businesses in the local industry in this regard.

Quotation system

Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning provide their customers with free quotes, based on either floor plans or on-site inspections. The air conditioning installation Wollongong based company provides customers with fully digital and detailed quotes that are clearly set out and easy for the customer to understand the various options and considerations, with breakdowns specifying the costs per unit, for each room, and the GST amounts and totals for each item and the overall quote. Our Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Review team were impressed by their patience and willingness to take the time to explain all the potential extra costs involved with pipework, power supply cavity and other installation factors.

We also noted that the Wollongong based company place various product and unit specials on their website giving customers a cost reduction across various brands at different times. A review of their website also showed that Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning offer customers a reduction of 10% in costs for quotes that are accepted online. They have a very detailed online quote enquiry form for customers to enter their property specifications in detail, so that they can provide a detailed quote in response. This is the only Wollongong based company to provide this particular kind of thorough and detailed online quotation form facility to its customers.

The image below is of the Wollongong company’s online query form, which customers can use to send in queries through their website.

Alpine Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Review online form
( Source: http://www.alpineaircon.com.au/ )


Our Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Review team significantly noted that this Wollongong-based air conditioning installation company is the only air conditioning business amongst the region’s top 5 recommended air conditioning installation companies to offer financing options to its customers.

Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning offers interest free financing option to customers purchasing an air conditioning installation system through Certigy. Customers can enquire more about these finance options from the staff when discussing the purchase and installation of an air conditioning system.

Customer Service

The staff at Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, the Wollongong-based air conditioning installation company, were found by our Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Review team to be polite, helpful, knowledgeable and experienced at dealing with customers’ enquiries and quote requests. Specifically, our review team found them adept at responding confidently to difficult questions that customers might have when enquiring about the purchase and installation of air conditioning systems.

Customers are answered by the receptionist at their first port of call and can immediately be transferred to a technician to answer all of their questions about different air conditioning systems and requirements and be asked probing questions to clarify their specific needs. Our review found the receptionist to be courteous and helpful, and the technician also polite, helpful and knowledgeable and able to provide the required information.

Through our Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Review, the air conditioning installation Wollongong business were rated a 6.5 out of 10 for customer service experience over the phone and 7 out of 10 for customer service experience via email.

The graph below from our Compare Air Conditioning Wollongong comparison page depicts this rating customer satisfaction by phone and email and shows Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning ranked in equal second place, in comparison to its top 5 air conditioning installation company competitors, for customer experience by email, and ranking the air conditioning installation company number 3 overall for these factors.

Air conditioning installation Wollongong company customer service ratings

Our Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Review also rated the company’s response times to both initial online and email enquiries and to a quotation request. The Wollongong-based air conditioning installation company was found to have a generally medium response rate in comparison to the other top 5 recommended air conditioning installation Wollongong companies, with response times to initial online requests taking generally 1 – 2 days, sometimes as long as 3 days, and with a similar time period taken provide a quote for customers following an online request for a quote.

This is shown in our graph below from our comparison table, where Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning is depicted as being ranked in equal second place across the top 5 rated air conditioning installation companies in the region.

Air conditioning installation Wollongong overall customer service ratings for Alpine review

Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning installs and repairs air conditioning installation systems in the greater Wollongong area including along the coast. They do not service or install systems in rural areas, preferring for the local rural air conditioning installation companies to service these areas.
The air conditioning installation Wollongong company operates during weekdays from Monday to Friday between the hours of 8am to 4.30pm.

Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning were rated by our Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Review team with a 3.4 out of 5 for overall customer service satisfaction with an overall medium ranking response for response times to customer enquiries.

The table from our Wollongong comparison page below shows Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning ranked fourth for overall customer service satisfaction when compared to its competitors in the top 5 air conditioning installation companies in Wollongong and ranked at an equal second for overall response times to customers.

Our team's Alpine Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Review response times


The image below is from the Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning’s website showing one of the many favourable customer testimonials on their website.

Alpine Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Review customer testimonials
( Source: http://www.alpineaircon.com.au/ )

Product range

We noted in our Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Review that the company’s top recommended brands are Toshiba, Carrier and Hitachi system products. The technicians at the Wollongong-based air conditioning installation company are also experienced and able to install other air conditioning installation systems including Temperzone, LG, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Electric, Daikin, Panasonic, Pioneer and Fujitsu.

The image below is from the Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning showing one of their top recommended brands of air conditioning installation systems.

Alpine review brands
( Source: http://www.alpineaircon.com.au/ )

Technical expertise and experience

The Wollongong-based air conditioning installation company Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning provide commercial and residential air conditioning installation solutions to both commercial and residential properties, including apartments. They install and repair a range of systems including split, reverse, inverter, multi and ducted heating and cooling systems. Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning also have the ARC tick of approval, which is the industry standard, giving air the conditioning installation company the license to handle refrigerants.

As our Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Review found, their products come with a 5 year installation warranty for parts and service. As they have direct contact with Hitachi, Toshiba and Carrier due to being their local agents in the region, they call these companies direct if there is any problem with an air conditioning system post installation.

Our Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Review also noted that the company do not offer deals on certain brands, with their prices of air conditioning installation systems remaining the same throughout the year.

The below image is of the Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning’s online service request form on their website, which customers can use to quickly and easily provide details and send through a request for an air conditioning system repair or maintenance service.

Our Alpine review additional image
( Source: http://www.alpineaircon.com.au/ )

In summary, Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning is the longest running air conditioning installation company in Wollongong of our 5 top recommended companies in the region. Established in 1985, they have been servicing the area for 33 years. The company offers customers a wide range of products, provides customers great details in helping them to make their purchasing decision and are the only Wollongong company of our top 5 to offer financing options to its customers.

Our overall Compare Air Conditioning rating, as pictured below, is 4 out of 5 stars, ranking Alpine Refrigeration & Air Conditioning in second place amongst our top 5 air conditioning installation companies in Wollongong.

Alpine Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Review star ratings

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